Q&A with Amanda Rambo-Jackson
Where did you go to college and what did you major in?
University of Alabama
As first-generation college students, my parents were committed to the goal of sending all three of their children off to college, and The University of Alabama is where their sights were set. My sister, who is 14 months older than my twin brother and me, was already there and waiting on us. As a bonus, having all three in the same place, at the same time, made the choice even more appealing for my parents. It was a great school then, and it’s even better school now. Roll Tide!
What is the favorite part of your job and the impact you make?
My favorite aspect of my job is witnessing the impact our team makes on our clients. Whether it’s guiding them towards achieving their enrollment goals, boosting athletic ticket sales, creating beautiful reports for their leadership meetings or providing valuable coaching through attribution challenges, each member of our team is dedicated to offering support and solutions every step of the way.
Which of the challenges higher education faces do you hear most during conversations w/ clients?
Numerous educational institutions are contending with a downturn in enrollment figures, influenced by a myriad of factors such as shifting demographics, heightened competition and evolving student preferences. This decline, compounded by budgetary constraints, underscores the need to streamline marketing dollars effectively, aiming to both entice and retain students in an increasingly competitive landscape.
What our partners value most in our collaboration is our team’s adaptability to accommodate the evolving needs of colleges. With just a simple phone call or email, our dedicated support team springs into action, quickly adjusting strategies to meet new challenges head-on.
Share one of your favorite advertising campaigns
Absolut Vodka’s ad campaigns are iconic! They have the perfect blend of creativity, simplicity, and cultural relevance. The visuals, accompanied by clever wordplay, first captured my attention when I was in middle school. They were so captivating that I even had a Newsweek subscriptions just so I could collect the ads.

Favorite podcast
The Higher Ed Marketer and The Advanced Selling Podcast are two staples for work, but one I listen to during downtime is Joe Rogan’s podcast. I am a naturally curious person with a diverse range of interests and appreciate being able to discover different perspectives and insights on a wide range of topics.
The Annual PARENT & Student Survey
Advance Education conducted a nationwide survey to learn what students and their parents are looking for from institutions – and the right marketing channels to reach them.